Active Bias Supply Module - DISCONTINUED

DIY Hi-Fi Supply`s Active Bias Supply Module is the perfect solution to controlling the bias of output valves, be it single ended, parallel single ended, push-pull of parallel push-pull.
The benefits include extended tube life, the saturation of the output transformer is avoided, the amplifier always operates optimally, better bass performance, more dynamics, danger of runaway tube current when amplifier is unattended is minimized. Also since most bias voltage supply filter networks tend to be very simple single diode or half wave, there is usually a great deal of ripple in the most sensitive signal path in the amplifier – the grid! And active bias system is also an opportunity to design a bias supply with extremely low levels of ripple. This adds a sense of stillness and low-level detail not obtainable with standard bias voltage supplies.
Built on a compact PCB it is easy to place in chassis. Each board can bias a pair of output valves in single-ended mode (one half not used) or two in parallel single ended mode.
For push-pull operation a pair of boards is needed which can supply four power tubes for parallel push pull operation. dimension: 40mm x 90mm x 30mm (tall).
Price (each)