PRP PR9372 Series Metal Film Resistors

The PR9372 Audio Resistor is manufactured in Mediapolis, Iowa, USA, by Precision Resistive Products Inc. and has been designed into many high-end audio products worldwide. Designed specifically for audio use after exhaustive listening tests were performed by a well-known high-end audio manufacturer who auditioned ten different prototypes – all of which had a unique blend of materials and manufacturing techniques. The winning design became the PR9372.
These resistors are metal film, a Ni-Chrome thin film construction, completely non-magnetic, offering a high-resolution sound. They have a flat frequency response with incredibly low distortion and thermal EMF. We have selected to stock the 1%, 100ppm tolerance range.
They are reasonably priced, coming in somewhat lower than the Takman metal films.
- Power rating: 0.25W, 0.5W & 1W
- Flat Frequency Response, Low Distortion
- Low Thermal EMF
- Excellent Definition
- Alpha-Numeric Marking
- High-Quality Ceramic Substrate
- Controlled Film Deposition & Spiraling
- Operating Temperature Range -55°C to 155°C
- Non-magnetic
- Voltage rating: 0.25W - 300V, 0.5W & 1W - 500V
- Lead material OFHC Copper, tin Coating
- Tolerance: 1%, 100ppm
0.25W, PR 9372-1/4
BODY: diameter: 2.75mm, length: 7.5mm
LEAD: diameter: 0.6mm, length: 35mm
0.5W, PR 9372-1/2
BODY: diameter: 3.5mm, length: 9.5mm
LEAD: diameter: 0.6mm, length: 35mm
1W, PR 9372-1
BODY: diameter: 4.5mm, length: 15mm
LEAD: diameter: 0.8mm, length: 35mm
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PRICE 1 off
0.25W - £0.32+vat+p&p
0.5W - £0.41 to £0.98+vat+p&p
1W - £0.67+vat+p&p