Elna Electrolytics Capacitors

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Since the demise of Black Gate capacitors, DIYers have turned to the excellent Elna audio grade of the range of capacitors, namely the Elna Simics and Elna Cerafines.

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The Elna Silmic are high-grade Silk fiber capacitors for Audio. The SILMIC series are Elna's highest grade audio capacitors that exhibit superior…

The Cerafine series realize high audio quality by super fine ceramic particles adopted in the fibers of the electrolytic separating paper. Charge/…

The Elna RBD are bipolar (non-polar) miniture aluminium electrolytic capacitors for audio use.
Elna has been making high-quality capacitors for many years and has a superb reputation, providing high reliability and great sound. HFC has managed…
These "Now Old Stock" capacitors were used heavily in the 80s and 90s providing high reliablilty and a great sound.

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